
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fresh Air Does a Body Good

After spending lots of time indoors daily, it's important for your overall health and well-being to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Getting a big breath of fresh air and feeling the warm glow of the sun on your skin can be rejuvenating. While the weather is beautiful today, we want to encourage you to step outside and enjoy the fresh air! Drive over to Milestone today and enjoy a walk or run (.7 miles) in the Arthur K. Draut Park right across the street before doing your weight rotation or taking a class! 

Health Benefits of Fresh Air

Greater Energy // Fresh air cleans your lungs and enables you to take deeper, longer breaths of air -- which increases the amount of oxygen that's transported to your body's cells. Increased oxygen in your body translates to greater energy and clarity of mind.

Improved Overall Health // Spending some time in the sun can help you get nearly a day's supply of Vitamin D through skin absorption. Having enough vitamin D in your body helps your bones form properly, which reduces your risk of developing bone diseases such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia.

Reduced Stress & Depression // Being outside and getting fresh air and exposure to the sun has been shown to show signs of relaxation including lower blood pressure and lower amounts of the stress hormone cortisol. Sunlight also helps ward off stress and depression by helping to release the "happy" chemical, serotonin, in our brain. 

What is your favorite thing to do to get 
outside and enjoy the fresh air?


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