
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Benefits of Exercising as a Couple // Allison Cardoza

By Allison Cardoza; Baptist East Milestone Wellness Center Personal Trainer
ACSM certified Personal Trainer; B.S. Exercise Science and Sports Medicine

The perfect workout partner is someone you enjoy being around, someone who can motivate you, and someone who understands your weaknesses and strengths. Whether it be your best friend or your significant other, exercise is so much more fun with the person that gets your heart pumping even without exercise! A heart healthy relationship between two people is so important. Lets face it; with the busy lifestyles most of us lead, stress and anxiety can put a damper on relationships. You tend to take out your frustrations on the ones closest to you and the ones you love. So its time to exercise with the one you love!  Release stress, get fit, and feel fantastic as a couple!  Studies show that exercise improves your mood by releasing endorphins, which make a person happy. Exercise decreases stress and anxiety, improves your overall sleep pattern, and helps to fight off chronic diseases.

Partner exercise is fun. According to my clients at Baptist East Milestone Wellness Center, partner training does not even feel like exercising. The time just flies by! Usually when you are on the treadmill by yourself it can seem like an eternity to reach your 30-minute goal. Many people listen to music to pass the time or watch television. Why not exercise with someone that you can release your stress to? Talking and releasing thoughts about your day will improve your mental health. At the same time, you are improving your physical health while exercising. Together you are a team that must finish a workout! Partner training can bring you closer as a couple and improve overall health and wellness.

There are a variety of exercises to do as a couple. Walking in the park, laps around a track, swimming at your neighborhood pool or joining a couples dance class are ways to release stress and have a heart healthy experience with the one you love.

If you choose to have a personal trainer lead you in your partner workout, there are a variety of exercises they can offer. Your trainer will watch your form as you perform the exercises so no injuries will occur. Also, a trainer can bring a variety of exercises you never knew existed. Your trainer will assign exercises that are appropriate for your body so you can improve your cardiovascular endurance and strength the correct way. We can turn your workout up a notch and spice up your love life at the same time!

I personally enjoy working with all my clients. A couple in particular I partner train are Bob and Marie O’Connor. They are such a dedicated team together. They arrive with smiles on their faces ready to go! I give them a workout that is appropriate for their bodies and they succeed with each other’s support. Bob and Marie do a variety of cardio, calisthenics and weight training exercises.  One may be stronger than the other on one particular exercise and visa versa. I adjust the exercise according to their individual strengths and weaknesses. Together, they support and encourage each other.

I give Bob and Marie exercises that involve teamwork such as tossing a medicine ball back and forth in coccyx balance position. Another exercise is facing each other, hands together, and squat up and down. Planking and wall sit exercises are also incorporated in their partner program. My favorite exercise I have them participate in is running around the track together. I love watching Bob grab Marie’s hand to encourage her as they finish the last few seconds of the lap. I enjoy the smiles, laughter and the playful competitiveness they share throughout the session.

I asked Marie and Bob what they enjoyed most about training together. Marie and Bob both stated, “First and foremost we love spending time together. We are more committed and more dedicated to keep our scheduled appointments and we work harder when we are together. Both of us have lost significant amounts of weight and know that one of the keys to keeping it off is exercise and a healthy diet. Working with Alison ensures us that we are doing the most beneficial exercises in a safe environment. Getting vital input from Alison helps us better understand the importance of nutrition and exercise regimens. Working out as a couple keeps us loyal to our shared goals and eliminates any activities that might compete for our time. Working out as a couple helps us enjoy our time together with a knowledgeable, upbeat, encouraging personal trainer with whom we have developed a strong relationship.” Bob and Marie personal train 3 times a week for 30 minutes at Milestone. They are also very active outside the gym as well. They love to travel and go hiking.

Once you have established a workout you enjoy, you are likely to stick with it. Enjoying your workout with a partner will keep you strong and healthy as an individual. Love life, love yourself and keep your heart healthy…with someone special!

Baptist East Milestone Wellness Center
750 Cypress Station Dr.
Louisville, KY40207
(502) 896-3900

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