2. You'll reap health benefits. Before you get so tense at your desk that you want to throw your computer out the window, why not take a 15-minute break? A 15-minute break will not only reduce stress and anxiety and boost your mood, but it will also get your blood flowing and give you energy. Taking breaks helps to prevent depression and headaches and will help you sleep better and clear your mind. Take your sneakers to the office. Save yourself (and your computer!) and take a 15 minute walk for some fresh air.
3. It keeps you on the right path. It's true that one healthy choice leads to another. When you get in the habit of exercising daily, you're more likely to stick to it. And, same goes for skipping workouts. Your mind and body will appreciate the consistency of working out daily, not the excuses.
Source: http://www.fitsugar.com/Benefits-Short-Workouts-31989137
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