The holidays tend to leave us feeling a little puffy. Here are some tips that will help you battle bloat and feel your best:

Fiber: whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds; 25 grams a day for women and 38 for men
EAT SLOWLY // Eating quickly and not chewing your food can cause air swallowing which leads to bloating. Slowing down and enjoying your food not only helps to prevent bloating, but also makes your snack or meal more satiating.
DON'T OVERDO CARBONATION // Carbonation can cause gas to get trapped in your belly. Limit your soft drink consumption and instead drink water flavored with lemon, lime or cucumber.
LIMIT CHEWING GUM // Just like eating too fast, chewing gum also can cause air swallowing leading to bloating. If you have a gum habit, alternate chewing gum with sucking on a piece of hard candy or eating a healthy, high-fiber snack like fruit, vegetables, or lower-fat popcorn.
WATCH OUT FOR SUGAR-FREE // Highly processed foods tend to be high in sodium and low in fiber, both of which can contribute to that bloated feeling. Get into the habit of reading the label. Look for labels that say "sodium free," "low sodium," or "very low sodium."
EAT SMALLER MEALS MORE OFTEN // This can keep you free of the bloated feeling that often follows large meals (think Thanksgiving). Eating more frequently can also help control blood sugar and manage hunger.
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