Group fitness is a great way to get back into or get started with your fitness routine. Group fitness offers variety, new environments, a social outlet, accountability, and challenging workouts. There are many benefits to group fitness including muscle tone, flexibility, cardio and more:
1. Camaraderie, Accountability & Encouragement
Participating in group fitness classes allows you to meet new people and make new friends. It's fun to have gym buddies that you see weekly at your favorite group exercise classes. Not to mention, if they don't see you in class, you'll likely hear that they missed you. You are less likely to skip a class when others are expecting you to be there. Plus, the encouragement you receive from other participants and the instructor help you maintain a higher level of intensity and inspire you to keep going!
2. Competition
A great benefit of group fitness classes is competition among others in the class. A group setting often encourages you to push yourself and work harder. Having a healthy competition with the participant next to you or your workout buddy will help you both push further than you may have gone on your own.
3. Routine and Structure
At most fitness facilities, there is a pretty set group exercise schedule. This is great for those that love routine and especially if you know you only have 1 hour to workout on a certain day of the week. You can plan your workouts for the week ahead of time and commit to being there. Having an instructor led class to attend is more likely to be a well-planned, full body workout. You will be more inclined to complete exercises you may normally skip because you don't like them or aren't sure about technique.
4. Proper Instruction
Being confident in the proper technique of any exercise helps to prevent injury and maximize results. Be sure to check that your group fitness instructor is certified. This means they have taken a course and passed a test ensuring that they know the body in its entirety; muscles, bones and joints and how they all work together. Group exercise will help you learn how to properly use equipment you may otherwise have been intimidated to use and ensure your movements will only benefit, not harm, your body.

5. It's FUN!
Working out in a group fitness setting helps take your mind of the intensity of the workout (at least a little, right?) and keeps you motivated. Most group fitness classes have really fun music to keep you pumped up throughout the class and offers a sense of play.
Working out with a group of like-minded individuals offers incredible benefits and can make you more fit than you have ever been - or thought possible! Exercise doesn't have to be boring, repetitive, lonely or painful. Group exercise classes will bring fun, teamwork, productivity and intensity to your workouts that will produce results you will love!
Check out our 250+ group fitness classes that we offer here at Milestone. We are the only fitness club in Louisville that offers this many classes per week to our members - all included in your membership! We have something for every age and fitness level both on land and in the water!
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